Children’s Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry, led by Cathy Ashoori, exists to reach kids on their level, challenge them to grow in their relationship with Christ, then go out and share Christ with the world! We have a variety of classes and meeting times for children ages pre-school through elementary. 
Sunday School at 9:45AM
Here children are taught from our denominational study called “D6.” D6 is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-9; love God, love His word, and teach your children to do the same. This curriculum is taught to all ages during the Sunday School hour and allows families to study the same Biblical passages at the same time. This encourages family growth and connectedness.
Sunday Morning Service/Children’s Church at 11:00AM
Here the children attend our main worship service for praise and worship then are dismissed to classes for instruction time and activities. Just before the pastor begins preaching, an announcement will be made to dismiss children ages 11 and under to children’s church. 
Children’s Classes at 6:30PM
During the summer months (June-August), children will meet for classes during the adult Bible study meetings from 6:30-7:30PM. Here they study specific topics and/or practice for upcoming children’s skits and programs.
KBKC 6:30-8:00PM (September-May)
See below for more information.
Kingdom Bound Kids Club
KBKC is a children’s ministry program similar to that of AWANA. During the months of September – May, children, pre-school through 8th grade, are invited to join us for a fun night of lessons, crafts, games and music. We start at 6:30PM and end at 8:00PM.
At 6:30PM the children gather in the youth room for praise and worship, then are dismissed into groups based on age. From there they rotate with their age group between a lesson station, game station and craft station. Each night the children are challenged to grow spiritually and engage with both leaders and peers through kid-friendly activities and fun. 
The 2023-2024 theme is “Exploring God’s Word” and features bible stories from the Old Testament.